10:03, 5 листопада 2015 р.

In UK, the young people began to smoke less

According to British researchers, today the people younger than 25 years represent a small minority among smokers. After the UK government introduced a ban on smoking in cars with children, the number of smokers has decreased. Statistics indicate that today only 18.3% of British people smoke.

It is noteworthy that young people who are just over twenty, are no longer the largest group of smokers in the UK, as it was before. The Office for National Statistics has published data that in 2010, in England, 21% of the population smoked, whereas today their number has decreased to 18.3%. This means that in the UK only 2.7 percent fewer people began to smoke in these five years, despite the fact that all the anti-smoking laws.

Perhaps the reduction in the number of smokers was caused by the increase in prices for cigarettes, they were increased by almost two times from 2010 to 2015. Today every smoker can buy cheap cigarettes online, and thus save a good part of its budget, it's faster and cheaper.

The most notable changes, which supports this theory, have appeared among the youth. For example, among young people aged 18 to 24 years, the number of active smokers decreased from 22.8% to 3.6%. The youth this is just one of the segments of the population most vulnerable to price changes. According to researchers, this means that the number of smoking fans was reduced also among people in the age group 25 to 34 years.

According to statistics, today only 9.5% of people aged over 65 consider themselves active smokers. Among them 27% smokers male and 15.9% female. The highest rate of smokers was recorded among representatives of different sexual orientation - gay, lesbian and bisexual people. According to the survey, among them, smokers are 25.3%, compared with 18.4% smokers among heterosexuals. These data can serve as proof that to smoking tend those people who often experience severe stress. In other words, the habit of smoking occurs most often because of nerves and stress.

It is also noteworthy that the majority of active smokers claims that have a good health. Among the respondents in the age group from 18 to 24 years 83% of smokers and 91.9% non-smokers called themselves completely healthy.


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